Friday 15 October 2010

They're Getting MARRIED!!!!

So about a month and a bit ago one of my very best friends got ENGAGED! This is BIG news. For such a long time my dear sweet friends Vicki and Diana have been my single ladies....we've walked the single road hand in hand celebrating the joys of the life and struggling with the longings of the heart. Although it was a bit of an adjustment to our little singles club when Vicki started dating Donald my heart leaped for her because she had found someone to love who would love her in return! I was SHOCKED when Vicki and Donald called me right after he popped the question....I knew they were talking about marriage but I never expected it so soon....I think I was speechless, which happens rarely (the last Oprah show being one of these times).

It's a pretty adorable story really. Vicki is a bit older than Donald....she was even his youth leader for a short amount of time. Donald has always loved Vicki....she's always been the apple of his eye. We used to joke about it....the cute little crush. Well about 2 years ago Vicki wanted to learn how to snowboard and so Donald made it his project to teach her. He was diligent about this and researched the best ways to teach someone step by step from the beginning stages.  He did a great job too...Vicki indeed learned how to snowboard. Somewhere in here things started to change....I even started picking up on a few things. Diana and Vicki and I were having a girls night one night when I remember saying "you know Vick, Donald has a pretty big crush on you, like I think it might be more than a little high school crush, he really likes wouldn't ever consider going for him....would you?" It was in that moment that Vicki's face said it all....she was considering it. The rest is history....they started dating, they both moved out west to go to school for a year, which we all thought would be the test of the relationship and they came back stronger than ever. And next June I will get to stand beside one of my best friends and watch her commit herself to the man that she has waited so patiently for. And we are going to DANCE and LAUGH and CELEBRATE love and remember that it's so worth waiting for.

Here's a few pics of Donald and Vick....

I know....they're a pretty good looking couple! Oh and did I mention that I get to be a bridesmaid for the FIRST TIME EVER?!?!? Can you tell....I'm just a tiny bit excited!

So here's to waiting for happy for you Donald and Vick,

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