Saturday 17 August 2013

Looking Back To How I Got Here...

I have 2 weeks left of work before the rush of books, papers, lectures and research takes over my life. When summer begins it always seems like it will go by slowly and that September is so far off. Then all of a sudden I'm staring the end of August straight in the face, wondering where the days go. 

This summer I've been interning part time with a church called The Meeting House and part time with BIC Canada in compassion engagement. I've gotten the chance to do some pretty cool things this summer and I've gotten to meet some really fantastic people. And somehow I've managed to learn more than a thing or two about who I am and what I love. Here's a quick overview in pictures of some of the things that have happened this summer...

I got the chance to be a part of 2 Jr. High Compassion Trips to Kerr Street Day Camp with some amazing students and leaders from The Meeting House...
I participated on a serving and learning trip to White Dog, a reservation in Northern Ontario...

Which included traveling to Eagle Lake to attend a Pow Wow...

I caught my first fish...
Two of my favourite gals came to stay with me and I toured them around Toronto...
I saw the Blue Jays play more than once...
I faced my fear of heights and went on the Skywheel, which overlooks Niagara Falls...
And of course a few other wonderful things could be added to the list. 

It's been a rich summer of learning for which I am grateful. I can't help but feel like I'm coming out of this summer just a little bit wiser, with eyes opened a tad bit wider, and with a heart a whole lot fuller. This summer has humbled me in more ways than one. I've gotten a chance to learn about a people group that I really didn't know much about except for vain assumptions. I've went into relationships and judged people first off and come to realize how wrong I was about those people. I've had conversations that have changed my opinions on things, that have moved me from there to here and helped me to recognize things in my own life that I've been blind to. And so yes, my summer has been a rich one. 

I can't help but feel like I went into it with the wrong attitude, wanting to just get through it. It's funny how God uses us even when our attitudes are not what they should be. Perhaps it's just another evidence of the grace he pours over us when we deserve it the least. 

The grace that comes even when I'm at my worst. 

So thanks God for an unexpected summer of lessons and interesting people and beautiful places. And to think, I could have missed this. 

The Kindred Spirit

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